Friday, January 28, 2011

The Sooner, The Better

From January 19th through the whole week, students in Basic English
went into the community of Beni. They went to Bungulu high school to teach English.
These students experienced Service-Learning. They both served others and
learned practical skills under the initiative of the Service-Learning
coordinator, assisted by teacher Maka Bululguli.

Last year students in the advanced class taught English in the community of Beni to street children. Unlike this year, students in Basic English class taught in a high school no matter how difficult it seemed to be.
In many Congolese high schools pupils take their English class
lightly, partly because DRC, after France, is the largest French-speaking country
and partly because they hardly ever find people with whom to speak English.
This makes English trickier; nevertheless, these students are trying
ever so little to help Bungulu's pupils understand English. Showing
them the king of food they are speaking about is the easiest way to help
them understand. The pupils granted much interest in this class and
spent good time with their new teachers.
    French is the official language of DRC. English is taught as a course. Today with globalisation one can not help but to learn English.The headmaster of this high school is well aware of the fact that it is a must for this future generation to learn Englisn. He therefore, ensured us that we can come back any time for another Service-Learning adventure.  

1 comment:

  1. Great story Francine. Thank you for your reporting on this project!
